Class Application

Drawing from the fields of public health, social work, psychology, and law, students will learn about many of the social, emotional and health issues that impact today’s youth, with a focus on mental health, dating relationships, and substance abuse (alcohol and other drugs). Students in the course will learn how to design and implement innovative strategies to affect positive change in the lives of Brookline youth. Students will learn group facilitation skills and gain experience in public speaking through presentations to parent groups, health classes, and public hearings.

We meet during Z block on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Are you interested in being a Peer Leader? Requirements for the class are as follows:

  1. Must be at least a sophomore next year.
  2. Must have a recommendation from a health teacher or guidance counselor. Returning students do not need a recommendation.
  3. Must complete an application. New Student Application | Returning Student Application.
  4. Must complete an in-person interview. Stop by room 149 to schedule interview.