Technology- How is Your Phone Changing You?

We all use technology, for our jobs, homework , directions, and to communicate… but have you ever wondered “Am I in control of my device, or is my device in control of me?”  The following video looks at some of the effects of our devices on or bodies, brains, and daily habits.


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On March 13th, Peer Leaders kicked off a campaign to keep the conversation going after February’s Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. The campaign included posters with resources, an interactive bulletin board, stickers highlighting healthy relationship habits, and lifesavers with resources because “knowing the early signs of abuse can save a life.” The message was shared throughout the school with over 1,000 stickers and lifesavers handed out in one day!  The hard work will continue with the senior class viewing of Escalation and One Love’s workshop on knowing the signs of abuse, as well as a White Ribbon Campaign. Check out the video below that Peer Leaders created, asking other BHS students to define what healthy and unhealthy relationships mean to them.

Peer Leaders participate 12th Annual Wellness Summit

On December 1st, 2016, Brookline’s 12th annual community Wellness Summit gathered parents, students, Brookline Schools staff/administration, health experts, police, and community members to address the changing landscape of teen substance abuse. The overall goal was to explore current trends and brainstorm strategies. BHS Interim Headmaster Anthony Meyer welcomed everyone, including Superintendent Andrew Bott and Selectman Bernard Greene, stressing the importance of creating community solutions for ongoing issues. Mary Minott of the Brookline Public Health Department introduced the peer leaders: “Our goal today is to hear the voices of our students and put our heads together to brainstorm steps we can take as a community to reduce the impact substance abuse has on the health and wellbeing of our youth.”